Cool Timeline Free Demo - Best Timeline Plugin

Vertical Layout

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Shortcode (Above timeline uses this shortcode) :-
					[cool-timeline layout="default" skin="default" date-format="F d" show-posts="4" animation="fade-up" icons="YES" order="DESC" story-content="short"]

Horizontal Layout

Sorry,You have not added any story yet

Shortcode (Above timeline uses this shortcode) :-
					[cool-timeline layout="horizontal" designs="design-7" date-format="F d" show-posts="10" icons="YES" order="DESC" story-content="short" items="3"]

One sided Layout

Sorry,You have not added any story yet

Shortcode (Above timeline uses this shortcode) :-
					[cool-timeline layout="one-side" skin="default" date-format="d F" show-posts="4"  animation="fade-up" icons="YES" order="DESC" story-content="short"]

Compact Layout

Sorry,You have not added any story yet

Shortcode (Above timeline uses this shortcode) :-
					[cool-timeline layout="compact" skin="default" date-format="d M, Y" show-posts="4" animation="fade-up" icons="YES" order="DESC" story-content="short"]